Check out our competitive proactive maintenance packages
- Choose your package
choose your package
- 2 Days or LessQuick Updates
- Max No. of Website Static PagesPages Supported
- Editing existing content. Content & Image Changes
- Delivered MonthlyOptimization Report
- Social Media Posts on Facebook Pages & TwitterSocial Media Posts
- Writing posts and publicationsBlog Writing
- To Add New Static ContentNew Pages & Press Releases
- for New Pages / Press ReleasesCopy Writing
- for Sites with Dynamic LandingsHome Page Updates
per month
1 / week
per month
4 / week
1 article/monty- 1
per month
8 / week
2 article/monty- 3
per month
14 / week
4 article/monty- 6
Our Proactive Web Maintenance Process
Your account manager will meet with you to induce a little bit of data regarding your company, what you are doing, and what causes you to look completely different.
We’ll find out what you wish regarding your web site, and what you wish to enhance. Then, your account manager can review your web site to determine alternative enhancements to be created. After that, we’ll use all of the info we’ve gathered to make maintenance arrange unique to your web site which will keep it maintained optimally.
We’ll review your web site each month, using the setup we created in our initial review, and our customary checklists.
We’ll make sure all the content is up updated and all the links work. Additionally, we’ll build a listing of what other things we should always expect or adding, like new event data, a newsletter, or blog post. We’ll even write them if you’d like. All of our findings are compiled into a report and e-mailed to you for your approval. Once you approve the report, we’ll update your web site quickly.
Since we have a tendency to act as an extension of your company, we make it our priority to remain updated with what your company’s strategy, vision and long and short term goals.
We’ll follow up with you to make sure your web site stays together with your expectations and needs for a seamless success story.
When you would like updates, we’ll post them asap!
When you need to request updates yourself, simply e-mail them to us. We’ll post them quickly, and send you a confirmation once your web site is updated.